22 March 2010

Troutmere La Honda

Brief Summary of Troutmere Farm (where we live):

We gave some eggs to the neighbors. (That’s good!!!)

The neighbors live on compound of shacks and junk owned by a man notorious for dosing monkeys with acid in his back yard. (That’s weird…)

A few days later, the neighbors gave us fruit salad!! (That’s good!!!)

The fruit was drenched in cool whip and mixed with colored marshmallows. (That’s weird…)

The chickens just ate the fruit salad, and they will use that caloric energy to produce more eggs!!! (That’s good!!! And weird!!!)

Another week in the woods… 1500 fish were delivered on Tuesday. They look a little surprised as they all rushed out through a 18-inch pipe, but we think they’re getting settled.

view from the bottom of the driveway

our log house

side yard - where the chickens and bun lives

looking down the driveway at the garage

girls playing in my compost pile!

trout pond in the background