31 July 2009

Summer Fun

i can't believe it is almost august! where has the summer gone? ben and i are having a lot of fun on the west coast. we are riding our mountain and rodes bikes. we have climbed almost every hill on the peninsula! we are still milking goats on fridays and loving it! ari is having a lot of fun too. we go to the beach almost every day to play in the water. he loves running in the water up to his belly. my car is covered in sand from the wet dog. i vacuumed it again today but it will only be clean for a day or two...

ben milking fresca. she was in a good mood on friday and we were able to milk her without her dumping her bin of treats on the ground!

the kids!

ben milking fresca


ari and sophie running to play at pillar point

ari loves to play in the water!

my car has a new license plate! it was a little scary changing the plates over but i finally did it on the last possible day.

14 July 2009


we have chicks! we decided to buy them instead of hatching them. rotating eggs for 21 days did not seem like a lot of fun to me. on tuesday evening we went to the feed store and picked out four adorable little babies. we named them tillie, queen elizabeth, marguerite, and chick fillet (ben named that one...). later that evening we noticed tillie was not like the rest of the chicks. she was not eating as much and moving around as much. we decided to keep an eye on her and call the feed store in the morning. the next day i took tillie back to the feed store to have her looked at. robert, the chicken man, said she was born with a crooked spine and sometimes chickens out grow it. he gave me another chick and asked if i wanted to keep tillie? i decided to give tillie a chance. we started calling the new chick tillie two but decided that we really wanted to give tillie a chance so we changed the new chicks name to etheldore. each of the chicks have their own personality. they are a lot of fun to watch.

the crazy twins - queen elizabeth and chick fillet

queen elizabeth

chick fillet, queen elizabeth, etheldore, marguerite, and tillie is under the pile

quiet tillie

strong etheldore

etheldore sleeping next to tillie

sleeping babies

04 July 2009

4th of July in Half Moon Bay

ben towed ari, in the trailer, 10 miles to the parade

ari was excited for the dog parade!

this was the first float. instantly i knew it was going to be a fun parade!

my favorite store in half moon bay!

i think i moved to a farm town...

dog parade... ari loved it!

on the way home we stopped at the Brewing Company for lunch. this was the first time we have taken ari to a restaurant. he was well behaved and slept most of the time.

03 July 2009

Potrero Nueve Farm


every friday morning ben and i are vida verde goat milkers! "Vida Verde is a nonprofit that promotes educational equity by providing free, overnight, environmental learning experiences for students who don’t otherwise get the opportunity" (http://www.vveducation.org). part of the children's educational experience is to milk goats. on the non-education days, the farm needs people to help milk the goats. i decided to volunteer... and bring ben along for fun!

ben milking fresca

the goats eat while you milk them. they get excited to be milked!

preparing to clean squirts' utters

milking squirts

ben milking squirts

we get to keep the milk we get from milking the goats. ben is drinking it instead of cow's milk. i have not switched from soy yet... i am going to make cheese from it today!