14 July 2009


we have chicks! we decided to buy them instead of hatching them. rotating eggs for 21 days did not seem like a lot of fun to me. on tuesday evening we went to the feed store and picked out four adorable little babies. we named them tillie, queen elizabeth, marguerite, and chick fillet (ben named that one...). later that evening we noticed tillie was not like the rest of the chicks. she was not eating as much and moving around as much. we decided to keep an eye on her and call the feed store in the morning. the next day i took tillie back to the feed store to have her looked at. robert, the chicken man, said she was born with a crooked spine and sometimes chickens out grow it. he gave me another chick and asked if i wanted to keep tillie? i decided to give tillie a chance. we started calling the new chick tillie two but decided that we really wanted to give tillie a chance so we changed the new chicks name to etheldore. each of the chicks have their own personality. they are a lot of fun to watch.

the crazy twins - queen elizabeth and chick fillet

queen elizabeth

chick fillet, queen elizabeth, etheldore, marguerite, and tillie is under the pile

quiet tillie

strong etheldore

etheldore sleeping next to tillie

sleeping babies

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