and the past two months...
as hard as this is to believe, i just watched ‘when harry met sally’ for the first time, because of a friend’s recommendation. to start with, I LOVED IT! i laughed so hard that i almost started to cry (you can ask annie and stephanie to verify this). my favorite part is when meg ryan is crying because her ex-boyfriend is getting married and says:
“but, i’m going to be 40”
billy crystal responds with “when”
meg says “someday”
billy, in a very normal voice says, “in eight years!”
this may not be funny to anybody but me but i still laugh when i think about it. maybe it is funny to me because i am going to be 30 in less than three weeks and i am a little worried...
lessons learned from may and june:
1. never think you can be friends with a married man
2. never think a relationship is possible with a married man
3. if either 1 or 2 happens... run, don’t walk!
4. the most important lesson i learned... i can fall in love again :)
after the recent events in my life i thought i would be a little down/depressed (i am usually a happy person who rarely has a bad day) but with everything going on i have not had time to dwell on it. i love boston in the summer! i love my friends (especially my roommates)!
thanks for letting me vent...